Make your space feel like HOME (free printables available!)


If you’re like anything like me, a happy, cozy space is a must! I love to have things around my house that make me feel happy, comfortable and “at home”. If you really think about it, the things all throughout your space and your house are what makes are what really make it a HOME.

Now, before you judge me and tell me I’m wrong – “No, your family is what makes the house a home, not THINGS” – First of all, YES. Family is what truly makes a house a home. BUT, hear me out – when the family is happy, doesn’t home feel, well “homier”? Of course we feel happy surrounded by the PEOPLE we love. But also, when you yourself, feel at peace, cozy, and surrounded by the things you love, doesn’t your house feel happier to be in?

Think about it this way – when we go stay in a hotel, or even an AirBNB or VRBO with our family – it’s nice and wonderful… But does is feel the same as home? NO! No matter how amazing it is (which trust me, there are more than enough that that are way nicer than my own home) it doesn’t feel like home. Because it’s not your stuff, it’s not your collected belongings. It’s not your COLLECTED LIFE. And that is what really makes your house feel like home. The things that have memories attached, the things that make your feel at home. The things in your home that will get passed down to your kids when you’re gone because it will remind them of you and the home they grew up in.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a lot of down time or free time for myslef. By the time the day is over, and the kids are bathed and in bed, and dinner is cleaned up, all I want to do is a have a few minutes to myself, and not have to take care of anyone or anything.

Having a spot in my home that has a cozy, homey, “feel-good” space is key. Mine spot isn’t anything special, it’s just the living room. But it’s a place that I can truly just BE for a bit. I feel happy, and relaxed. It’s pretty (to me) & an uncluttered area, that I can light a candle and de-stress for a bit before I start the chaos of the next day again. I like my space, and I like it to feel cozy, and reflect me. I’m a creative – so decorating my space something I do value and appreciate.

Your vibe may be your favorite blanket and throw pillow, or big photos of the kids on the wall – or plants all over. Maybe it’s all of those things combined – whatever it is, find it and make your space. Believe me, it’s important for your well-being. It will help so much more than you think! I have a few little printouts you can download for free HERE if you like framed art. I switch my prints out often to keep it cute and feeling good!

There’s also so super cute (and cheap!) frames to put them in here, I have a handful of these and love them because they’re super cost efficient and easy to order and switch out.

I didn’t used to be like this. Honestly, I used to be super messy and justified it saying to myself “I can clean later, I want/need to do all the things that need to be done”. Cleaning and tidying up was not in the forefront of my mind. Totally not a vital thing for me. Don’t get me wrong – I wasn’t gross, I cleaned up my dishes, etc. But I wasn’t organized. I didn’t necessarily care what the vibe of the house was.

We’re currently fortunate enough to have a playroom, so the living room doesn’t get too crazy messy (on most days). It’s usually an easy(ish) place to clean up and reset fairly quickly. We always have our 4 year old pick up his playroom and any toys in the living room before bedtime. I don’t care about his bedroom, but I like to try and reset the living spaces each night. It helps us as parents, and it gives him a responsibility that he knows how to do. He actually takes some pride it for the most part also – he likes his toys to be put in the right place so that he knows where they are the next day.

*Just a small note, that definitely took time to develop – but we stuck with it and it has paid off!*

After the boys are in bed, I quickly pickup the rest. I have a basket we throw all the blankets in, a basket for the baby toys that then easily go behind a closed cabinet door, and the pillows get back up on the couch. I clean the junk off the coffee table, sometimes I take the time to put everything away. And sometimes there may be a pile from the table that just gets put onto a different table so that MY SPACE is clean and tidied. That way I’m able to sit and relax for a moment. Sometimes that relaxing is binging a show. Sometimes it’s ordering groceries and going through school emails. Sometimes it’s working on this blog. Sometimes it’s 3o minutes, and sometimes it’s 2 hours. Every night is different – but every night (eh most nights) I try to get some time in my space to unwind in some way.

It’s a game changer to make this a priority for me. And the space that I do it in, MATTERS! More than you think. Trust me, just try it! Find a space, any space – and make it feel the best you can for yourself.

Sometimes it’s hard to get started – you may not even know what you like or what your vibe is! That’s totally fine! You’ll find it. OR, you may have 10 pinterest boards of all of the things you love – but don’t have time or money to do. I absolutely get that. Whichever end your on, just get started somewhere. Organize and clean up just 1 room, 1 space for you. You don’t have to buy a bunch of things, or you can if you want. Do what you can, collect the things that make you feel good. You won’t regret it, I promise.